
Allows the vehicle to have a specific in-game radio station set to it.

Valid Radio Stations

    LosSantosRockRadio: 0,
    NonStopPopFm: 1,
    RadioLosSantos: 2,
    ChannelX: 3,
    WestCoastTalkRadio: 4,
    RebelRadio: 5,
    SoulwaxFm: 6,
    EastLosFm: 7,
    WestCoastClassics: 8,
    BlaineCountyRadio: 9,
    TheBlueArk: 10,
    WorldWideFm: 11,
    FlyloFm: 12,
    TheLowdown: 13,
    RadioMirrorPark: 14,
    Space: 15,
    VinewoodBoulevardRadio: 16,
    SelfRadio: 17,
    TheLab: 18,
    RadioOff: 255

Returns a number.


vehicle.activeRadioStation: number


const stationNumber = vehicle.activeRadioStation;

// OR

vehicle.activeRadioStation = 255; // Off

Real World Example

Turns radio off when the driver leaves the vehicle.

alt.on('playerLeftVehicle', (player, vehicle, seat) => {
    if (seat === 0) {
        vehicle.activeRadioStation = 255;

These examples assume you have vehicle created or available on server-side

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